New Patient Info

We can’t wait to meet you!

Initial Visit

During your initial visit, we will conduct an examination and discuss potential treatment options tailored to address your orthodontic needs. To streamline the process, please provide any relevant X-rays, a list of current medications and medical conditions, and completed insurance forms. Our team will also be happy to contact your current providers to obtain this for you if you would like. We will work together to develop a personalized treatment plan and thoroughly review these options with you. Throughout your treatment, we encourage regular dental check-ups to ensure optimal oral health.

Patient Forms

Our patient form is an essential document that provides our practice with crucial information about your dental and medical history, ensuring personalized care. By completing this form accurately and thoroughly, you help us better understand your needs and allow us to tailor our treatment approach accordingly.

Financing Options

At our practice, we strive to ensure that financial concerns do not prevent you from achieving a beautiful smile. We accept all eligible PPO insurance benefits and provide various payment options, including low down payments, flexible payment plans, and in-house interest-free financing. Our wonderful and experienced staff can address any questions or concerns regarding financing or payment plans, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience.